First, the profile data must be filled in the first tab of the app. With that data, the app will automatically calculate your caloric needs.

After your profile is completed, you can start using the calorie counter. Go to the third tab of the app and tap the button “+Add food” on the meal where you want to add it:

Then, type in the search box the name of the food that you want to add and tap the button “Search in the public library”. For example, if you want to add an egg, write “egg” in the search box and tap “Search ‘egg’ in the public library”:

After that, select one of the results and the app will ask you for the serving size that you want to add, just select a serving size and tap “Add”:

Then, the food will be added to your food journal and the progress bars will be updated with the macronutrients of the added food:

Now, repeat the same process to add the rest of your foods. The goal is to complete all the progress bars.

in Macros
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